Symbolic meaning of Persian decoration

01,骆驼:表示财富与兴旺.02,鸡:表示免遭邪眼伤害.03,蛇:表示机警与智.04,鹰:表示力量.05,鹦鹉:表示脱险与保护.06,狗:表示保护信任和防御.07,生命树:表示从地上到天堂之路. 08,百合花,表示纯洁和灵性.09,牡丹:表示力量.10,玫瑰:红玫瑰表示激情与神秘,白玫瑰表示天真无邪纯洁.11,柏树:表示安静与重生.12,石榴:表示生育繁殖.13,护身符:表示挫败恶毒目光.14,水壶水罐:表示净化.15,十字形:表示信任与忠诚.16,手:用于祈祷毯.17,米哈拉布壁龛:表示通向天堂之门.18,星:表示灵性与好运.19,人形:表示织地毯的人.20,龙:表示力.21,鸟:表示信任和生.22,鸭子和天鹅:表示婚育生殖和魔力.23,孔雀:表示永生.24,天堂鸟:表示天堂.25,鸢尾花:表示宗教信仰自由.26,荷花: 表示再生轮回与永生.27,花簇:表示青年,春天和新婚. 28,郁金香:表示兴旺. 29,树叶:表示无穷无尽重生.30,风信子:表示重生.31,佩斯利纹样或巴旦姆纹样: 表示吉祥美好,绵延不断,也表示火焰与佛之泪. 32,梳子:表示清洁.33,菱形纹:表示男人和女人.34, 赫拉提图案:表示水上花园,树叶和马黑鱼.35,数字:1234567890.

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3z124192, 124 x192cm,100% genuine mulberry silk piles on silk warps, standard 300lines silk carpet, 25lines per inch, 625 real tied double knots per square inch quality,piles height around 5mm, weighs around 6kg.Qum design silk carpet, washable, central medallion with inner brockets layout, floral pattern, blue border with blue field,1 girl over 15 months to make.
3z185279, 253 x359cm,100% genuine mulberry silk piles on silk warps, standard 300lines silk rug, 25lines per inch, 625 real tied double knots per square inch quality, piles height around 5mm, weighs around 24kg. Qum design, washable, central medallion with inner brackets layout, floral pattern, red border with white field, 4 girls over 14 months to make.
3z187279, 187 x279cm,100% genuine mulberry silk piles on silk warps, standard 300lines silk rug, 25lines per inch, 625 real tied double knots per square inch quality, piles height around 5mm, weighs arount 14kg.Qum design silk rug, washable, central medallion layout, floral pattern, white border with white field, 2 girls over 16 months to make. We have same quality with 247x312cm size.
3z188282, 188 x282cm,100% genuine mulberry silk piles on silk warps, standard 300lines silk rug, 25lines per inch, 625 real tied double knots per square inch quality,piles height around 5mm, weighs 14kg.Qum silk rug, washable, allover layout, white border with white field, 2 girls over 16 months to make.
3z202255, 202 x255cm,100% genuine mulberry silk piles on silk warps, standard 300lines silk carpet, 25lines per inch, 625 real tied double knots per square inch quality,piles height around 5mm, weighs 14kg.Qum silk rug, washable, central medallion with inner brackets layout, floral pattern, blue border with pink field, 2 girls over 16 months to make.
3z203311, 203 x311cm,100% genuine mulberry silk piles on silk warps, standard 300lines silk rug, 25lines per inch, 625 real tied double knots per square inch quality,piles height around 5mm, weighs 17kg.Qum silk rug, washable, central medallion with inner brackets layout, floral pattern,red border with white field,2 girls over 19.5 months to make.
3z255359, 255 x359cm,100% genuine mulberry silk piles on silk warps, standard 300lines silk rug, 25lines per inch, 625 real tied double knots per square inch quality, piles height around 5mm, weighs 24kg.Qum silk rug, washable, central medallion with inner brackets layout, floral pattern, red border with white field, 4 girls over 14 months to make.
3z203312, 203 x312cm,100% genuine mulberry silk piles on silk warps, standard 300lines silk carpet, 25lines per inch, 625 real tied double knots per square inch quality,piles height around 5mm, weighs around 17kg. Qum silk rug, washable, central medallion with inner brackets layout, floral pattern, blue border with white field, 2 girls around 19.5 months to make.

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Beijing silk rug stroe address:Building 31-1707, Zaoyingbeili, Chaoyang District, Beijing,China